In 1991 a group of friends who were bound by a common love for the music and culture that surrounds shag dancing came together to discuss how one of their group was in financial need due to bad health. They decided that they wanted to help out their friend's situation. From that meeting the Hall of Fame Foundation was born. In their efforts to aid a friend, the members of The Foundation found a gift for themselves...they discovered the gift of giving. The spirit born in that meeting and fed on the gift of giving has grown over the years.
Today The Foundation carries on in the tradition set forth by their founding members. We strive to seek out and assist members of the shag dancing communtiy who need our assistance. Our motto is "Friends Helping Friends".
Use the links above to browse our site and learn about us and our mission in the community. If you need further information or would like to submit an application, please refer to the contact information to reach us. Also contact us if you would be interested in helping us in our mission to offer a helping hand to members of our community in a time of need.
We've accomplished a great deal in the past 20 years, but so much more must be done. To continue our work, we need your help to "Care for Friends". What's been most important to the "Foundation" in the past has been "word of mouth" referrals: people like you telling others about us. Every year the challenges we face are substantially greater than those of the previous. We need you to join us and be part of this important cause. We need your support, and you need the benefits of our important work. For those who have understood our goals in the past, for those who will participate in the future...thank you, and may you reap one hundredfold the goodness that you sow
The Hall of Fame Foundation welcomes you to our website
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Vegas at the Beach